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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Scientists warn of fluoride to children

There is a strong link between chemicals – including fluoride – and the number of children receiving diagnoses of autism , dyslexia and ADHD , say researchers in a study
 February 15, 2014 at 10:34, Updated : February 15, 2014 at 11:20
” Not more than speculative ” conclusions , consider other researchers
 The findings are published in a peer-reviewed article in the medical journal Lancet Neurology

 ” Our major concern is that children worldwide are subjected to unknown toxic chemicals that silently undermines the intelligence , causes behavioral, mutilates their future skills and hurt entire communities , perhaps most serious in developing countries ,” writes Harvard researcher Philippe Grandjean with Philip Landrigan , from Icahn School of Medicine
 The number of chemicals known to be hazardous to children’s brain development , according to researchers more than doubled in the past seven years
۲۰۰۶ published the two a list of five chemicals, according to the researchers affects brain development : lead, mercury , arsenic, PCBs and toluene. Now they have added six substances to the list , including fluoride
 After examining studies of children receiving fluoride in drinking water , especially in China , the authors suggested that the findings suggest reduced intelligence in these children , reports CNN

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