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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Activity of some medicinal plants, dried ginger

Activity of some medicinal plants, dried ginger

Ginger: use a warm it in the prevention of postoperative nausea as conventional tranquilizers are effective.

Tooth pain can be relieved by chewing ginger and ginger gargle for sore throat treatment is effective.
Also, due to the nature of ginger, hot, flavor, especially cause stomach pain treatment.
Fresh ginger is effective for the treatment of colds and flu. Ginger root is also used to treat dizziness, sweating and vomiting caused by motion and seasickness is effective.
The ginger tablets are used to treat arthritis and circulatory problems.
Ginger plant nearly 4,000 years and is now used in food preparation that are cultivated in the tropics.

Have you used this wonderful plant?

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